Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day 62 of 365.

Here I am at work with Dr. Farooq!
The doctor that always says yes! or right, right, right! :)

Day 61 of 365.

Here I am with Tristan, Garrett, and Justin at the Cadet's Pinewood Derby Car Race.

Day 60 of 365.

It is MARCH 1st! And after working overtime this weekend....I bought myself a new vacuum....well, it isn't like I needed a new one, I didn't have one! No more borrowing from mom! :)

Day 59 of 365.

This is Pat, Amy and I at work on a Sunday...converting charts! Still...

Day 58 of 365.

So it's Sautrday and here we are at work, converting charts.....:)

Day 57 of 365.

Ok, I went to work. But didn't feel worthy of being in the picture today, because I felt so horrible. Here's the thing that got me through the day. HALLS!

Day 56 of 365.

Ok, the flu bug is out of my belly, but taken over my throat and nose.
When am I going to get better? for real........

Day 55 of 365.

GI bugs are horrible....I haven't left the house, or done anything for days.
I can't believe how miserable this is and now I have a sore throat too.
This is me reading in bed....that is about all I am up for.

Day 54 of 365.

ok, still sick....most visited room today....nasty, nasty!

Day 53 of 365.

Ok....throwing up gone....the poops have started....never taken this, but giving it a try...this is miserable!

Day 52 of 365.

This is my yak bowl....I am currently so sick. Throwing up, huge migraine....

Day 51 of 365!

This is me really starting to not feel good. Belly ache, migraine.....ugh!

Day 50 of 365.

this is me hanging out on my couch....starting not to feel very well.

Day 49 of 365!

Me at home talking on the phone to mom after work!

Day 48 of 365.

This is me in my bug, in the parking garage at work....just getting ready to head into work! :)