Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Just a quick blog post to say........ I PASSED my test! :)
Also, my surgery is tomorrow at noon! So lots of prayers please!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Panic Mode and Prayer.

Ok, i know i keep saying i am going to post pics and I AM!

But for right now....I am in "panic mode". I am 6 days from my certification test...very nervous and studying every second I have available.

And in the back of my mind, is SURGERY, on May 26th.

BUT I have been given some peace and wisdom by visiting a member of our church in the hospital. She is 93 and having a rough time. I visit her b/c I want to show her that even those much younger than her, she made an impact on. I also know my way around the hospital room pretty well.
I was reminded by her today when I handed her the "nurse light" and asked her if she remembered what that was for. She said very sweetly, it's to get you! And then gave me a smirk! :)

It's just as simple as sweet Helen says, like the push of a button, a prayer can give you peace in panic mode. And my recent prayers have been answered. I am studying with a relaxed mind and comprending much more and I know that if Helen at 93 can have surgery with God's healing hand, so can I. :)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Surgery news!

I went to my OB/GYN appt today. I found out, surgery is needed. I am planned to have surgery on May 26th. Please pray for my anxiety and recovery! :)
I am blessed, I just am worried/scared for surgery.

Friday, May 7, 2010

So the next update I have is that I have to see the OB/GYN on Monday.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Tough Days!

If you read the previous blog post, I sounds like I am ready to take on the world and the issues going on. Today's goal....don't think pass the "known" into the "unknown".
This afternoon, I received a phone call from my doctor's office letting me know that a hypervascular mass was found on my ultrasound. The nurse said that the radiology report suggested a D&C and/or biopsy to be done. So I am anxiously awaiting the call from the doctor...the nurse said, I would be getting another call today.
I am fighting all emotions, trying to stay distracted with work....and trying to be realistic....so yeah, I have a ball of vessels in me....big deal, right?
Well......yeah...but staying positive is the key!

Thanks for all the texts, calls and emails. Life is good....I am blessed.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

God Doesn't Give You More Than You Can Handle....Right?

SO, again, I know I haven't posted pics...and I promise I will. I have lots to post! Check Facebook for some. :)
But for an update, if you anyone even reads this anymore....ha ha.
Life has been a bumpy road for the last few months. Many of you know I have not been feeling well. I have missed work 3 pretty long stretches and that is quite unusual.
I finally got into my doctor and are starting to get things all worked out.
To summarize what is going on...my uterus/ovaries are not normal. I have had a CT scan that has shown this. And somehow, in some weird way, they are jealous and have decided to pull my intestines in for some fun. Hence the once/month "stomach flu" and leads to many hours on the toilet. As far as them not being normal, I have been told that the CT scan looked as if I have endometerosis and polycystic ovaries. The strange thing is, I had a CT scan last year and it did not show this.
Today, I had to go in for an ultrasound of the uterus/ovaries. I do not know the results...all I know is that the tech said, she got great pictures and it hurt me quite a bit.

I have found out how many people are so caring....my coworkers are amazing...offering to go to appointments with me, etc. My family has been very supportive, I have shed lots of tears in the parent's house this week. I had a very good talk this morning, with my cousin, Melissa...this mad my very hard to face day so much better.

I ask that you could pray for me....I am scared/anxious/nervous of what is to come...I ask that I have some peace and understanding. I have so many swirling questions in my head, I want to ask when I see the doctor next. I have taken the attitude (as of about noon today) of it doesn't matter what anybody else thinks or wants anymore. It is my time to be selfish and take care of my health, my wants and needs in life. I have prayed about this and asked God to watch over me and take care of me....and a strong whisper of God today said, HEY, YOU ARE A STRONG GIRL, DON'T LET THIS STOP WHAT YOU HAVE DESIRED IN LIFE, STAND UP FOR YOURSELF AND DO WHAT YOU NEED. I WILL NOT GIVE YOU SOMETHING YOU CAN'T HANDLE! And then it was confirmed by a super wonderful, caring, and sweet coworker today, who said, "Kelly, I will support you in anything you need, but I can't feel or understand what you are going through, only you can....so YOU need to take care of you. And I will be here when you need the help."
On that note, I am off for the night....I am going to go do something for myself and relax. Thanks for all the love and support.

Grace and Peace.