Saturday, May 15, 2010

Panic Mode and Prayer.

Ok, i know i keep saying i am going to post pics and I AM!

But for right now....I am in "panic mode". I am 6 days from my certification test...very nervous and studying every second I have available.

And in the back of my mind, is SURGERY, on May 26th.

BUT I have been given some peace and wisdom by visiting a member of our church in the hospital. She is 93 and having a rough time. I visit her b/c I want to show her that even those much younger than her, she made an impact on. I also know my way around the hospital room pretty well.
I was reminded by her today when I handed her the "nurse light" and asked her if she remembered what that was for. She said very sweetly, it's to get you! And then gave me a smirk! :)

It's just as simple as sweet Helen says, like the push of a button, a prayer can give you peace in panic mode. And my recent prayers have been answered. I am studying with a relaxed mind and comprending much more and I know that if Helen at 93 can have surgery with God's healing hand, so can I. :)

1 comment:

  1. I need to check your blog more often- I'm not used to doing this sort of thing! You have a lot going on in your life, but you have a good attitude and that is half the battle! Stay strong, take a deep breath and keep a positive outlook and a good sense of humor! All these will stand you in good stead!!! Best wishes, Kelly!
